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Workshop 1. Interdisciplinarity in curatorial networks

February 23, 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm CET &
February 24, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CET

Please register at WORKSHOP@ZKM.DE

Language: English

The exhibition Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter deals with the reconstruction of historical exhibitions, focusing on virtual 3D models of the exhibitions Les Immatériaux (Centre Pompidou, 1985) and Iconoclash (ZKM | Karlsruhe, 2002). Both projects sought to develop the exhibition concepts and contents through specially constructed interdisciplinary networks of artists, scientists, and curators. This workshop explores the different structures that such interdisciplinary curatorial networks can take, and discusses them in light of the concepts and the results that they engender. The goal will be to reflect on the recent research about these two exemplary exhibitions and to broaden the scope for addressing the questions they raised about interdisciplinarity in art and science.


Barbara Vanderlinden, Daniel Tyradellis, Beatrice von Bismarck, Gabriele Gramelsberger


Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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