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Panel discussion: Matter, Non-Matter, Anti-Matter

© Design: Paul Voggenreiter

Tirana Art Lab is glad to welcome you to the Tulla – Culture Center at 7:30pm to join the open conversation about the exhibition Matter, Non-Matter, Anti-Matter on view until the 28 of August 2022.

An exhibition with works by duo HUNITI GOLDOX, Olson Lamaj, Valentina Peri, created during two-month residency at Tirana Art Lab. Their works involve Extended Reality tools and deal with issues of public space in the city of Tirana, while engaging with topics of individual and collective memory, water ecosystem and power representation in the virtual age. The artists were chosen from the joint second call for artists in residency launched by Tirana Art Lab – Center for Contemporary Art, Tallinn Art Hall, and the Hertz-Lab of the ZKM I Center for Art and Media.

The exhibition includes as well the Immaterial Display, an interactive station for experiencing two legendary and major past exhibitions: Les Immatériaux (Centre Pompidou, 1985), and Iconoclash (ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, 2002).

Moderated by the Tirana Art Lab curator Adela Demetja, the panel discussion will host Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, head of the Beyond Matter project and scientifica associate at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and two fellows of the Tirana Art Lab Residency Program, artist Olson Lamaj and curator Valentina Peri.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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