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Saturday, July 8, Gallery 3

How have shifts in technology led to intangible, profound changes in our experience? For the time of an afternoon, the Centre Pompidou and the ZKM Karlsruhe revisit two major exhibitions, “Les Immatériaux” (1985) and “Iconoclash” (2002), along with the featured artists. This chapter of Moviment also hosts a duo of creators, artist Philippe Parreno and curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist, whose project “Resistances” extends “Les Immatériaux” exhibition in its own way, through encounters and “films of thoughts”.


Free visit based on the virtual reinterpretation of the Centre Pompidou’s historical exhibition “Les Immatériaux” (1985)

11.00 am – 1.30 pm

In the presence of Nicolas Ballet, Philippe Bettinelli, Rossella Cillani, Marcella Lista and Marie Vicet


Beyond Matter

1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás and Marianne Schädler, from the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe (ZKM), will begin by presenting the final publication of the European project ‘Beyond Matter: Cultural Heritage on the Verge of Virtual Reality’. Funded by the European Commission, this project aims to develop technological and theoretical tools for the virtual reconstruction of historical exhibitions and the documentation of current exhibitions. The research carried out as part of this project focused in particular on two pioneering exhibitions: “Iconoclash” (May 4 – September 1, 2002, ZKM) and “Les Immatériaux” (March 28 – July 15, 1985, Centre Pompidou).

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The artists Jeremy Bailey, Damjanski, Fabric (Patrick Keller and Christian Babski), Geraldine Juárez (videoconference), Carolyn Kirschner and Anne Le Troter will then present the works they have created as part of the exhibition “Matter, Non-Matter, Anti-Matter” (December 3, 2022 – April 23, 2023, ZKM), presenting some of the results of the “Beyond Matter” project.


“Les Immatériaux”: artists in conversation

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Researcher Andreas Broeckmann and artists Katerina Thomadaki, Jean-Louis Boissier and Jean-Claude Fall will look back at one of the Centre Pompidou’s pioneering exhibitions, “Les Immatériaux”, organized by curators Jean-François Lyotard and Thierry Chaput in 1985. “Les Immatériaux” was a philosophical essay that adopted the exhibition as a medium or interface. By bringing together works of art, technologies and scientific documents, the curators explored the human condition in different areas of physical and mental life in the age of new technologies. The particularly innovative scenography emphasized disorientation, stimulation of all the senses and interactivity. Visitors, whose journey was not constrained but ‘induced’ by suspended screens of varying opacity, were fitted with headphones playing a soundtrack that varied as they wandered through the exhibition’s sixty or so sites and twenty-six audio zones. This historic exhibition has recently been the subject of a virtual reconstruction project as part of the “Beyond Matter” project.

Moderated by Marcella Lista, Philippe Bettinelli and Marie Vicet.


After “Les Immatériaux”

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

To continue the tribute and reflection on the major exhibition “Les Immatériaux” curated in 1985 by the philosopher Jean-François Lyotard, the Centre Pompidou is delighted to host a project by the curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist and the artist Philippe Parreno with the support of the LUMA Foundation: a session of talks and film projections, “Resistances” echoes the exhibition conceived by Jean-François Lyotard as a follow-up to “Les Immatériaux”. This unfinished project is both continued and re-imagined in this production of meetings and ‘films of thoughts’.

The conversation will take place in French and English.

With Hans-Ulrich Obrist, curator and artistic director of the Serpentine in London, Philippe Parreno, visual artist, Daniel Birnbaum, curator, art critic and director of Acute Art in London, Anna Longo, philosopher, Maja Hoffmann (videoconference), founder and president of the LUMA Foundation, Albert Serra, Spanish artist and film-maker, and Yuk Hui, philosopher


Film screenings

7:30 – 9:00 pm

THE RARE EVENT by Ben Rivers and Ben Russell (2017, 48 min.)

In English with French subtitles

Courtesy Maja Hoffmann / Luma Foundation Collection

Shot in a creaky, wooden floored Parisian recording studio at an inaugural three-day “forum of ideas” focusing on the manifold possibilities of Resistance (the title of Jean-François Lyotard’s unrealized follow-up exhibition to his 1985 “Les Immatériaux”), occasional collaborators Ben Rivers and Ben Russell have produced what initially appears to be a structuralist document of a philosophical discussion in-the-round. This “appearance dimension” is deceptive, of course, and with the aid of an immersive 5.1 sound-mix, a Green Man, a Green-Man-shaped-Infinite-Void, a dose of kinetic digital magic (courtesy of US-based artist Peter Burr) and an impressive cast of thinkers, critics, curators and artists, a document of Resistance slowly transforms into THE RARE EVENT – a portal that joins all dimensions into one.

Ben Russell (b. 1976) is an American artist, filmmaker and curator whose work lies at the intersection of ethnography and psychedelia.

Ben Rivers (b. 1972) is a British artist and filmmaker whose experimental practice navigates between documentary and fiction.


Resistances by Rachel Rose (2017-2019, 20 min.)

In English

Courtesy Maja Hoffmann / Luma Foundation Collection

This short film documents the second “Resistance” meeting held in February 2017 in New York, offering a glimpse into the thought-provoking conversations and ideas that unfolded during this gathering hosted by Maja Hoffmann. Some guest speakers included Tyrone Hayes, Isabelle Thomas Fogiel, Reza Negarestani, Ariana Reines and Fred Moten, among many others.

Rachel Rose (b. 1986) is an American artist based in New York. Her work mainly explores how our changing relationship to landscape has shaped storytelling and belief systems.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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