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ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art 2023

The Beyond Matter project will be represented at ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art, a major event on the global electronic art scene, aims to strengthen the dialogue between artists, researchers, engineers, designers and entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative industries who participate in the advances of research and creation.

On May 21, team members from Centre Pompidou, Paris and ZKM | Karlsruhe Philippe Bettinelli, Marcella Lista, Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás and Marie Vicet will join a round table part of the symposium program to talk about the exhibition Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter. Past Exhibitions as Digital Experience.

The roundtable will be in the Salle 300 and live stream from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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