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ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2022

© ISEA 2022

The Beyond Matter project will be represented at ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art taking place in Barcelona 10-16 June 2022, one of the most important annual events worldwide dedicated to the crossroads where art, design, science, technology and society meet. The main theme this year, “Possibles”, engages in the notion of openness and movement: opening an unfinished world of futures before us and presenting pasts behind us.

Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás, head of the Beyond Matter project and scientific associate at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, was invited as a speaker to this year’s International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA). Within the sub-theme “Futures and Heritages” she will talk about the Beyond Matter project and address some of the underlying questions posed by the symposium: Which is the role of history? How should we take care of our past and heritage? How can we construct our futures and above all, what is the role of the arts in all of this?

The talk will take place on 14th June at 11:30 in the CCCB.

© Graphic Design: Cvijeta Miljak / Aalto University

As part of the ISEA 2022 extended program “DIGITAL AWARENESS. From education to social impact and human identity” Aalto University will present a selection of aspects that form the process when engaging with heritage as a source of knowledge in art and design education. The exhibition hosted by ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture will showcase processes and outcomes of co-design methodologies employed during the MA Fellowship Programme that took place in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou within the framework of the Beyond Matter project.

On the 11th of June they will hold the Avatars and Poetry workshop. The workshop is part of novel framework based on the Performance-Oriented Research Methods for Audience Studies and Exhibition Evaluation (PORe) that was developed and implemented at Aalto University by Lily Díaz-Kommonen and Cvijeta Miljak in the scope of the Beyond Matter project.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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