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ZKM | Karlsruhe bauhaus. film. digitally. expanded

The Homage to the Moving Image World of the Bauhaus, which opened at the ZKM in February, was only accessible online due to the Lockdownsituation. At the beginning of July, the physical exhibition “”, curated by Markus Heltschl, Thomas Tode and Peter Weibel, was reopened at the ZKM | Karlsruhe until 23.08.2020.

“”, initiated and curated by Teresa Retzer, presents a large part of the exhibition films online and also expands them programmatically through expert talks, which will be transmitted via the ZKM livestream. The Bauhaus films and the recordings of the talks can be found below.

Many of these films were considered lost and have not yet been shown true to the original. Some of the works have been newly digitized and restored for the exhibition and can be seen for the first time in their original screening speed, colors, and sound.

Link to the digitized Bauhaus movies

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union and German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
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